Engaging Contractors: A Critical Partner to Realize the Load Shifting Potential of HPWHs
Emily Kehmeier, Christine Riker, Energy Solutions, JJ Vandette, VEIC, Nick Dirr, Association for Energy Affordability
TECH Clean California is designed to greatly increase the installations of heat pump technologies for space and water heating in residential buildings across California by catalyzing the supply chain with incentives and training. As heat pump water heater (HPWH) installations replace gas loads with electric loads, it is important for these units to be grid-interactive so their thermal energy storage capabilities are harnessed as a load-shifting resource to help balance the grid rather than adding strain.
The TECH Market Readiness for HPWH Load Shifting Pilot aims to do just that by testing the hypothesis that though effective outreach and interventions, contractors will be critical market partners in facilitating grid connection at the time of installation.
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