Market Development & Transformation

Transforming the market means reshaping the dynamics of both supply and demand. This requires a combination of interventions – technical, financial, marketing and political – executed intentionally over time. Energy Solutions can help build out your roadmap, put it into action, supercharge your incentive programs, and track your market transformation.

Know the Logic

We look for what’s working and start there. We talk with market actors who are successfully selling the desired products to get some insight. Then we research, create logic models and build market plans that clearly illustrate how we can move the needle.

Make a Splash

When market penetration is low, the goal is simple: scale adoption fast. We find opportunities to take technologies from a few installations to several hundred, across diverse use cases and customer types to build momentum.

Build Awareness

We rally our trusted partners across the entire supply chain, including contractors, distributors, reps, institutional buyers, ESCOs, and customers.

Develop the Supply Chain

Increased sales spark competition which helps lower prices for consumers, resulting in higher demand – creating a virtuous cycle for energy efficiency.

Track Key Metrics

We make sure we define the right key success indicators, then use advanced data collection methods to monitor, analyze, and translate metrics into effective actions.


Once there is wide adoption in the market, we work with advocacy groups, ratings agencies, and governments to develop mandatory codes and standards that complete the market transformation cycle.

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