Demand Management
ADR Program Design & Management
Having the right equipment in place is just the beginning. Getting customers to enroll in a DR program is the key to unlocking the economic benefits of demand response, providing greater grid reliability for utilities and optimizing renewable power on the grid. We can help you solve the two-pronged challenge of increasing grid-connected equipment adoption and harnessing the flexible capacity it can deliver. Our end-to-end solution supports both energy efficiency and ADR programs. From incentivizing distributors, to contractor engagement, to customer enrollment and participation—it increases energy-efficient installations in your territory and helps ensure they use power from the grid at the right time of day.
Heat Pump Water Heater Control
HPWHs have enormous potential to shift energy loads and to support a cleaner, more reliable grid. With our work on major statewide programs, we’re addressing barriers to HPWH adoption and providing customer-centric programs to maximize the benefits of HPWHs for both the customer and the grid.
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