Mike McGaraghan, LC
Vice President, Policy & Ratings
Mike leads Energy Solutions’ Policy & Ratings Department, which includes the company’s building codes & appliance standards practice as well as other legislative and administrative policy consulting services. This team has conducted technical and market research for over 100 product categories and supported the adoption of dozens of new efficiency standards and energy code updates. In his role as Vice President, Mike oversees a portfolio of policy work impacting the built environment, and covering measures including water heating, HVAC, electric vehicle charging, demand response, water efficiency, industrial processes, electronics, and white goods. Mike formerly led the lighting-related standards team, managing Energy Solutions’ efforts in the development of standards related to LED lighting, lighting controls, outdoor lighting, fluorescent lamps and ballasts, and the phase-out of incandescent lighting. Prior to his standards work, he worked extensively on incentive program design and local government energy efficiency program implementation.
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