Mike has more than 40 years’ experience as a national and regional leader in building energy efficiency and code training, outreach, advocacy, technical support and program implementation. Mike has a success record working in over 30 states nationwide and abroad. He is a recognized NY State friend and trusted ally to many stakeholder groups including NYSBOC, NYSBA, and BOMA, along with many energy efficiency-related industry groups. Mike has been training all of these stakeholder groups since 1987 with the NYSEO and continues to provide technical training to hundreds annually. As a charter member of the Building Performance Contractors Association, he was instrumental in the nation’s first NYSERDA/Building Performance Institute (BPI), certified Home Performance with the ENERGY STAR® program, and has developed, delivered, and managed the rollout of dozens of home performance training programs. Mike is and has been involved in numerous boards and committees including: NYS-DOS Energy Code Technical Committee, NYSERDA HPwES, the Environmental Building Alliance, Home Energy Rating System (HERS) Council Technical Committee., ASHRAE Standard 189 and 92, and International Code Council (ICC) IECC, Sustainability, Energy, and High Performance Code Action (SEHPCAC), and is currently a voting member of the ICC/IECC Commercial Envelope Committee.
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