Codes, Standards, & Ratings​

Appliance Standards Advocacy

Appliance Standards constitute the longest standing and most impactful demand side management strategies in our industry. Energy Solutions has been involved in the development of nearly every California energy efficiency appliance standard and test procedure since 2001. Additionally, for more than a decade, our team has contributed technical support and advocacy to dozens of United States DOE energy efficiency appliance standards and test procedure rulemakings.​

Building Codes Advocacy

Building codes can deliver significant and persistent impacts to energy savings and GHG emissions that are cost-effective. Yet the process of bringing codes to adoption is complex and delicate. It requires expertise across many disciplines—technical, project management, effective public engagement and compliance, to name a few.​

Our skilled team provides a comprehensive end-to-end solution that helps you at every step—from identifying code opportunities, to modeling savings impacts, to assessing cost-effectiveness, to developing and writing the codes, to managing stakeholders and ensuring compliance.​

International Codes Advocacy MEPS

With over 20 years of experience in codes and standards adoptions in the U.S., Energy Solutions has a solid methodology that can be applied to international markets. We partner with international government agencies and NGO’s to provide foundational support for programs including guidance on evaluation methods and value propositions for decision makers. We assist with data collection through lab testing, demonstration projects, market surveys, and other methods. We offer standardized approaches to evaluating measures and savings and develop codes informed by market, technical, and energy analysis, building energy modeling, and cost estimates.​

Policy Analysis & Impact Modeling

Developing the most effective codes and standards starts with robust modeling and holistic analysis. Our Measure Assessment and Prioritization tool (MAP) allows users to see the big picture. MAP’s codebase calculates the long-term energy, environmental, and economic impact potential of codes and standards (“measures”). MAP’s Tableau dashboard interface allows users to explore those impacts in conjunction with qualitative information about each measure. These dashboards allow users to filter, sort, strategize, understand patterns, determine the combined impact of a portfolio of measures, and calculate holistic prioritization scores for each measure.​

C&S Compliance Improvement

To improve compliance with state and DOE standards, we identify key market actors across the entire distribution channel and build educational resources, in-person trainings, webinars and online self-study materials to improve understanding and remove barriers. We work across the supply chain from manufacturers to distributors and retailers to industry associates to provide accessible information about all technical and administrative requirements .​
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