Building Decarbonization

Clean Heat

Energy Solutions is a leader in clean heating program implementation and is working to transform the space and water heating market, tackling barriers to electrification and low emissions technology. Our groundbreaking TECH Clean California program is working on multiple fronts to test and prove practices that can promote widespread adoption of heat pumps and provide a blueprint for other states.​

Flexible Demand Standards

How much energy a building uses is important, but when a building uses that energy can make a huge difference. We’re at the forefront of flexible demand management, supporting programs that shift energy loads to take advantage of cheaper, cleaner sources of energy and balancing demand on the grid to avoid curtailment or blackouts.​

Embodied Carbon

Reducing carbon emissions from building operations is critical, and understanding the impact of embodied carbon in building materials and practices can yield additional huge impacts. Carbon saved today is more valuable than carbon saved in the future. By increasing industrial efficiency, advancing emerging technology in building materials, developing clean procurement opportunities, and working with policy to implement smart codes to develop total carbon budgets for buildings, our team is advancing these efforts with our market and building community partners. ​

The Future of Natural Gas

The evolution to clean energy requires supporting all energy sectors on the path to carbon reduction. Our programs provide a framework for gas providers to improve efficiency, particularly in hard-to-electrify sectors, such as industry, and include non-pipeline alternatives to providing reliable energy. Our approach is focused on providing an equitable pathway to decarbonization so that low-income and hard-to-reach communities, who are likely to be the last to electrify, are not overburdened with rising transitional costs.​
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