Building Codes

For the past three code cycles, Energy Solutions has served as a lead contractor for the California utilities in updating the California Building Efficiency Standards (Title 24, Part 6) and the California Green Building Standards (CALGreen). Energy Solutions is the program coordinator for all the Statewide Utility Team’s building code activities. We develop and advocate for a variety of code change proposals.

Program Coordinator: As the program coordinator, we manage the code development process and effectively communicate across the large team of clients, consultants, California Energy Commission (CEC) staff, and other stakeholders. We develop and maintain communication protocols and compliance. We organize public stakeholder meetings and have hosted dozens of public meetings to discuss proposed changes to Title 24, which can involve between 30 and 80 industry stakeholders. Energy Solutions also maintains the Statewide Utility Team’s public website,, and keeps stakeholders informed of advocacy activities via periodic emails.

Measure Leads: Energy Solutions has been the technical and advocacy lead for 20 adopted code changes (see sidebar). Our team conducts the research and analyses needed by the CEC to adopt a standard, including:

  • information about energy and water savings
  • cost-effectiveness
  • technical feasibility
  • impacts on industry markets and the state economy
  • impacts on material use
  • compliance verification

We communicate with industry experts including:

Equipment & Controls Manufacturers


Building Departments

Retrofit Companies

Acceptance Test Providers

How Can Energy Solutions Help?

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